Buy Amzer Universal Non-Slip Weighted Beanbag Dash Mount - Mount - Bulk Packaging - Black
Most of the patron reviews inform that the Amzer Universal Non-Slip Weighted Beanbag Dash Mount - Mount - Bulk Packaging - Black from Publisher ,are quality product. It could be a pretty great product for the value. You can scan overview from consumers to find out additional from their past experiences. The customers feedback will give you a nice suggestion of the price and nice satisfaction of the products.
All in all, we are actually suggest Amzer Universal Non-Slip Weighted Beanbag Dash Mount - Mount - Bulk Packaging - Black fou you. This shopping online sellers supply the best and save cost price which included super conserve shipping (in U.S.A. only). Reading opinions offers you with a a whole lot of fuller information of the cons and pros in the Amzer Universal Non-Slip Weighted Beanbag Dash Mount - Mount - Bulk Packaging - Black.
All in all, we are actually suggest Amzer Universal Non-Slip Weighted Beanbag Dash Mount - Mount - Bulk Packaging - Black fou you. This shopping online sellers supply the best and save cost price which included super conserve shipping (in U.S.A. only). Reading opinions offers you with a a whole lot of fuller information of the cons and pros in the Amzer Universal Non-Slip Weighted Beanbag Dash Mount - Mount - Bulk Packaging - Black.
Securely mount your mobile phone with this unique mounting kit. This mount is a combination of a non-skid weighted bean bag base, an adjustable suction cup mount and a universal cradle. Use it on your dash or on your windshield and is ideal for mounting when using your Smartphones as a GPS Navigation unit. The heavyweight base is a U-shaped design and has a non-slip, anti-skid surface, so there’s no movement when driving. A suction cup mount attaches to the weighted base which adjusts the universal cradle to accommodate several viewing positions. The innovative design includes an optional adhesive safety hook that attaches to loop on dashboard mount. The universal cradle features cushioned side grip technology and a push button release. The adjustable side arms expand from 2 in. to 3.25 in. conveniently accommodating most Smartphones. The depth of the cradle bed is .75 in. and the length of the cradle bed is 3.25 in. Cushioned and adjustable feet help your device stay put. Easily transfers from car to car, so use it while driving or while you’re a passenger. Safety first……With Amzer’s Non-Slip Weighted Beanbag Dash Mount.
Amzer Universal Non-Slip Weighted Beanbag Dash Mount - Mount - Bulk Packaging - Black Feature
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