Buy Arkon Windshield Suction Console, Dash and Vent Mount for Universal Phone, Smartphone and PDA (Black)
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All in all, we are actually suggest Arkon Windshield Suction Console, Dash and Vent Mount for Universal Phone, Smartphone and PDA (Black) fou you. This on-line sellers supply the best quality and save price price which included super save shipping (in U.S.A. only). Reading opinions offers you with a a lot of fuller data in the cons and pros from the Arkon Windshield Suction Console, Dash and Vent Mount for Universal Phone, Smartphone and PDA (Black).
All in all, we are actually suggest Arkon Windshield Suction Console, Dash and Vent Mount for Universal Phone, Smartphone and PDA (Black) fou you. This on-line sellers supply the best quality and save price price which included super save shipping (in U.S.A. only). Reading opinions offers you with a a lot of fuller data in the cons and pros from the Arkon Windshield Suction Console, Dash and Vent Mount for Universal Phone, Smartphone and PDA (Black).
Arkon's SM210 flexible gooseneck windshield suction mount is a favorite in Europe and the United States. The 9 inch long windshield suction pedestal features an 64mm suction base, and provides maximum hold from the windshield. A circular adhesive console/dash disc is also included. It allows you to attach the windshield pedestal to other areas in the vehicle such as the dash or console. Simply stick the adhesive disc in the location where you want to hold your phone and then attach the windshield suction to the flat surface on the disc. Using the adhesive is optional though as most people choose the windshield mount installation.
Arkon Windshield Suction Console, Dash and Vent Mount for Universal Phone, Smartphone and PDA (Black) Feature
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